Creates a new comment.

Resource url



Parameter Value Required? Default Options Description
comment String yes (no, if topic_status_id passed) Comment text
parent_id Integer no null Parent comment ID
privacy_mode Integer no 1 1 - public
2 - author and support agents
3 - support agents only
Who's able to see the comment?
is_answer Boolean no false Mark comment as official answer
topic_status_id Integer no Use if you want to change topic status

Request example #1

    "comment" : "Test comment"

Request example #2

    "comment" : "Test comment", 
    "parent_id" : 10, 
    "is_public": false

Response example

    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "comment": "


", "status": 0, "created": "2014-03-17T02:58:09.937Z", "author": { "avatar_url": "", "id": 1, "name": "Vladimir Mullagaliyev", "title": "" }, "parent_id": null, "vote": { "diff": 0, "positive": 0, "total": 0, "negative": 0 }, "is_public": true, "id": 4438 } }
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